The Multimodal Text is Finished!
What has been included in my Multimodal Text
Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic
- Animations; in every scene there is an animation, pictures appear on the stage with either the 'fly in' or 'compress' animation. When pictures have no been animated this is because it is used as a background to set the scene
- Sounds; sounds are included to set the scene such as a school bell ringing every new day that has started. Some sounds were downloaded from the internet either by converting a Youtube video to an MP3 file with the program Youtube Downloader or a specific website; 'Soundjax' that allows you to download WAV files that you can only use on the slides
- Font; in my text I have used the font style 'Segoe script' due to it looking similar to handwriting and in pink to highlight that it's a girl's diary
- Videos; I have used two videos in my text to produce meaning, both which were downloaded through Youtube Downloader and then I could cut the videos down to a reasonable length; for example I managed to download the whole scene of Harry Potter fighting the snake in the second film but this was more than a 5 minute clip so with Youtube Downloader I could cut it down to around 20 secs but still portraying the original message of Annabelle's imagination of fighting a snake!
- Use of conflicting modes; I have used drawings, pictures of classroom settings and also cartoon pictures
- Tension created within focus of text; I have used hyper-links so that the reader will click on the headteacher to see what he actually sees rather than just Annabelle's point of view
- The use of hyper-links allowed me to move away from the setting of being in classroom to Annabelle's dream to show why she started to attack the teacher thinking there was an alien capturing holding her captive
The Multimodal Text
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